Maskne Is the New Acne, and Here's What Is Causing It

Maskne Treatment and Prevention
As important as the addition of face masks to your wardrobe is, it also introduced a side-effect that you may not have thought would be an issue: maskne. This may sound like a strange new word, but all it does is combine mask and acne together. It's a specific skin concern that is difficult to avoid thanks to our new lifestyle.
If you already suffer from sensitive or acne-prone skin, then you might be all too familiar with maskne and all it entails. As frustrating as this can be, rest assured that a maskne treatment exists to help you.
Those breakouts appearing around your mouth and cheek area might be an issue right now, but we're here to help. Let's look at what maskne is and how to prevent it with the best treatment.
What is Maskne?
Let's begin with the basics.
There are different types of acne caused by a variety of things, but generally, acne happens when the tiny holes in our skin get blocked. Hormones and bacteria can also cause acne.
Another type of acne is "acne mechanica" and it's caused by friction against the skin, which then causes skin irritation. This irritation will develop into inflammation that leads to breakouts.
This can be anything from small whiteheads on your nose to pesky cystic jawline acne.
When you wear a mask for an extended period, moisture and sweat get trapped. This not only leads to more breakouts, but it can be particularly irritating for anyone that has other skin conditions like rosacea.
Even if masks cover acne, it can be really discouraging to have your skin flare up. It's not like masks are going anywhere, so it's better to know how to treat and prevent maskne from happening rather than worry yourself more (stress can cause acne too after all).
How can you prevent maskne? Glad you asked.
How To Prevent Maskne
1. Rotate Different Masks
What type of mask are you wearing? The answer to this could be the reason for your maskne. If you're not wearing a medical-grade mask then you're likely using a fabric mask. While these are a nicer option because they feel more like an accessory, it can be tricky to know if the fabric is good quality.
By good quality we mean: easy to breathe with but still protective enough to keep virus particles from going through it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using 100% cotton that is tightly woven.
On top of that, you need to be washing your fabric mask as often as possible. Dirt, sweat, oil and other irritants all get trapped in there and they're not doing anything good for your face. In fact, it wouldn't be overkill to have a new mask every time you go out.
Consider rotating different masks as often as possible, while also keeping other masks in the wash. Don't forget to keep medical grade masks around too, they come in handy when you accidentally skip laundry day.
2. Wear Less Make-Up (For Now)
One of the new things we have to adjust to is people seeing only half our face. While this might be a nice thing for some, plenty of make up enthusiasts are not loving it. While makeup is a wonderful tool to improve our looks, dropping the makeup routine can significantly reduce the risk of skin irritation and clogged pores.
This applies to makeup that goes directly on your skin, like foundation. If you do decide to wear makeup, try to minimize it as much as possible. Also use a good cleanser to remove it so you're really getting rid of that bacteria.
3. Upgrade Your Skin Care Routine
You know, most Americans seem to be washing their face wrong. At a time when proper face washing is crucial, this is a discouraging statistic. Skin care is an important part of good hygiene.
Let's not kid ourselves either, it can be a fun confidence booster as well! However, now that there's a new skin concern to worry about - you'll probably need to make some changes to your old routine.
Be sure to use a gentle cleaner and wash your face in the morning and evening. Apply moisturizer and sunscreen daily and look for products that can help with breakouts and redness. Also be sure to check the ingredients for anything that looks concerning, particularly harsh oils or fragrances.
If the issues persist even after you've applied these steps, consider speaking to a dermatologist who could look at your skin better.
Best Maskne Treatment
One of the best things you can do for yourself and for your skin is to use the right products that help treat and combat maskne. Since you're probably on the go when you're wearing a mask, consider a refreshing mist that you can use anywhere.
There's also a handy hand + skin cleanser you can pop in your bag and use to cleanse and hydrate during those long days out. One of the best things you can do for your skin is applying a powerful serum that will help soothe angry and irritated skin.
Using these different forms of maskne treatments will help combat your newfound skin problems and help prevent new breakouts from forming. Can we get a hallelujah?
How to Get Rid of Maskne
If you apply these maskne tips to your everyday life, you're sure to see significant improvement in your skin. Maskne help can be difficult to find since it's a relatively new thing to worry about so be sure to do your research.
Remember that wearing the mask is important for your health and everyone else's so rest easy knowing that there is plenty of maskne treatment. Before you know it, you'll have wonderful glowing skin. Even if no one else can see it, you'll look and feel good and that's what matters.
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